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Hayriver Book Publishers is a leading provider of complete ISBN book publishing, editing, book marketing, book printing specializing in reprinting early Americana History. Focus on Archaeological works of the 1800's is a priority with Hayriver Press. However, many other venues are also considered. Whatever your book is about, we've got a custom book publishing package that is competitive with any printing house in the business. Softcover or hardbound we do it all. Distribution is in house to major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Ingrams, and Amazon just to mention a few of our outlets.

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Cover Title and Description Price
American Antiquities: Discoveries

American Antiquities: Discoveries in the West
by Josiah Priest, Reprint 1834

Being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of many partially civilized nations differing entirely from those of the present day indians peopled America many centuries before its discovery by Columbus, and inquiries into their origin, with a copious description of many of their stupendous works, now in ruins, with conjectures concerning what may have become of them. Compiled from travels, Authentic sources, and the researches of antiquarian societies. Softcover, 8 1/2 x 11, 400 pgs.


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Footprints of Vanished Races

Footprints of Vanished Races
by A. J. Conant 1879

Notwithstanding all this labor and study, the great questions continually repeated, which were suggested when our antiquities were first noticed, still remain unanswered; namely: Who were the authors of these works? What was their origin, and what were the causes of their disappearance? Were they the red men found in possession of the continent at the time of its discovery? I am not aware that the opinion that the red men were the authors of the most extensive works, though maintained by some scholars of high repute, is held by any who have given them personal and thorough examination. The earlier travellers who stumbled upon them in the wilderness, or on the prairie, express their astonishment at their magnitude and the skill displayed in their erection. Captain Carver, in the account of his travels in the years 1766-'7-'8, describes what he was convinced was a military work, which he accidentally discovered upon the bank of Lake Pepin. This was long before it was known that America had any antiquities. Concerning it he says that "its form was somewhat circular, and its flanks reached the river. Though much defaced by time, every angle was distinguishable, and appeared as regular and fashioned with as much military skill as if planned by Vauban himself." Again: "I was able to draw certain conclusions of its great antiquity." "How a work of this kind could exist in a country that has hitherto been the seat of war to untutored Indians alone, whose whole stock of military knowledge has only, till within two centuries, amounted to drawing the bow, and whose only breastwork, even at present, is the thicket, I know not." Softcover, illustrated, 122 pgs


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The Mystic Symbol

The Mystic Symbol
by Henrietta Mertz

Expanded edition of the original classic, long out-of-print, describing thousands of Christian, inscribed tablets, unearthed across Michigan. Softcover, 275 pgs.


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Prehistoric Races of the United States

Prehistoric Races of the United States
by J.W.Foste

A reprint from 1873. Early Antiquarian/Archaeology of the Mound Builders focusing around the Mississippi River. Softcover, illustrated, 415 pgs.


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Ten Tribes of Israel

The Ten Tribes of Israel
by Timothy R. Jenkins

A lifetime work of Indian Nations cultural similarities/symbols showing a Judeo/Christian connection to the Eastern Hemisphere. Softcover, 323 pgs.


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Traditions of De-coo-Dah

Traditions of De-coo-Dah
by William Pidgeon

A reprint 1858, Native American reveals his life as an Elder in his tribe. Softcover, illustrated, 332 pgs.


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View of the Hebrews

View of the Hebrews
by Rev. Ethan Smith, Reprint 1825

View of the Hebrews was first published in 1825 by Rev. Ethan Smith, a minister in Poultney, Vermont. While spending many hours preaching the Gospel in the New England area he came in contact with several tribes of Native Americans. As a trained student of the ancient world and especially the Old Testament he couldn’t help but notice strong cultural similarities between the native population and his Hebrew education. Softcover, 227 pgs.


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The Mound Builders

The Mound Builders
by J.P. MacLean 1879

An early study of the Mound Builders; "Being an account of a remarkable people that once inhabited the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi, together with an investigation in the Archaeology of Butler County, Ohio". Softcover, 233 pgs.


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Archaeology of Ohio

Archaeology of Ohio
by M.C. Read 1896

Artifacts, effigies, mounds and tablets of the prehistoric occupants of Ohio. Softcover, 119 pgs.


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Aboriginal Monuments of New York

Aboriginal Monuments of New York,
by E.G. Squire

Reprint! Originally published in 1849 by the Smithsonian Institution, oversize edition, 9x12 size, illustrated, prominant earthworks covering western New York. Bonus: Charles Whittlesey's excellent work on the copper mines of Upper Michigan is included as an addendum. Softcover, 240 pgs.


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The Lenape Stone or The Indian and the Mammoth

The Lenape Stone or The Indian and the Mammoth,
by H.C. Mercer, 1885

In the spring of 1872, eight years after the discovery of the famous mammoth carving in the cave of La Madleine, Perigord, France, Barnard Hansell, a young farmer, while ploughing on his father's farm, four miles and a half east of Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, saw, to use his own words, a "queer stone." By wetting his thumb and rubbing it he could see strange lines and a carving representing an animal like an elephant, but without troubling his boyish head much about it, he carried it several days in his pocket, and finally locked it up in his chest until the spring of 1881 when it was purchased and eventually viewed by Bucks County Historian Captain J.S. Bailey, who first called serious attention to this find. Softcover, illustrated, 95 pgs.


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The Problem of the Ohio Mounds

The Problem of the Ohio Mounds,
by Cyrus Thomas 1889

Cyrus Thomas published this short work to establish his uncertainty about who the Mound Builders were; however, he decides to identifly them with, at least in part, the Five Civilized Nations of the Cherokee. Thomas is puzzled by the Eastern Hemisphere artifacts that continue to be discovered in undisturbed layers deep within the mounds themselves. So, he continues to question the identity of the builders of the mounds. These non-conforming artifacts have been gathered by Thomas, which he admits to having, yet they have never been shown or identified in the museums of today. Where is the unusual artifact collection of which Cyrus Thomas speaks? Currently, we do not know. This is a must-have book for all mound builder investigators. Softcover, illustrated, 54 pgs.


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THIS LAND: Zarahemla and the Nephite Nation (Vol. 1)

THIS LAND: Zarahemla and the Nephite Nation (Vol. 1),
by Edwin Goble & Wayne May

A comparison of Nephite timeline with North America’s Hopewell culture of 300BC to 400AD. Published March 2002, softcover, over 100 illustrations, 220 pgs.


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THIS LAND: Only One Cumorah (Vol. 2)

THIS LAND: Only One Cumorah (Vol. 2),
by Wayne N. May

A comparison of Nephite timeline and North America’s Hopewell culture of 300BC to 400AD with emphasis on western New York State. Published April 2004. Softcover, over 100 illustrations, 225 pgs.


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THIS LAND: They Came from the EAST (Vol. 3)

THIS LAND: They Came from the EAST (Vol. 3),
by Wayne N. May

A comparison of Nephite timeline with North America’s Hopewell culture of 300BC to 400AD with emphasis on traditions of eastern migration from the Atlantic. Published April 2004, Softcover, over 100 illustrations, 225 pgs.


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THIS LAND: America: 2000 BC to 500 AD (Vol 4)

THIS LAND: America: 2000 BC to 500 AD (Vol 4),
by Wayne N. May

A compilation of articles taken from the pages of Ancient American Magazine by non-LDS authors revealing the archaeological support for the of Nephite timeline and North America’s Hopewell culture of 300BC to 500AD. Published April 2009, Softcover, over 100 illustrations, 263 pgs.


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The American Antiquarian

The American Antiquarian, by Reverand Stephen D. Peet

(1883) An examination of Native village structures at the time of European discovery and an explanation of the numerous geometric earthworks left by the Adena and Hopewell Mound Builders across the midwest. Also, not to be left out are the effigy mounds of Wisconsin. Rev. Peet is recognized as a reliable early antiquarian with first hand knowledge of the history of this land. Softcover, spiral bound, illustrated, 31 pgs.


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The Day Behemoth and Leviathon Died: Earth Disaster

The Day Behemoth & Leviathon Died: Earth Disaster, by David Allen Deal

Two Past Catastrophes:
• The First Killed the Dinosaurs - Rifted the Continents, then Flooded the Earth
• The Second Only Flooded the Earth

Read the latest analysis of professionally-gathered evidence that supports these contentions. See new photos of the remains of the Ark of Noah on a mountain in the region of Ararat (Urartu) in eastern Turkey near the Iranian border. Read of the1997 discovery of Noah’s long-lost city of Mesha-Naxuan, within a mile from the ark-remains, right where Berosus and Moses of Chronensis claimed it was, Mt. Judi. Find out why the Bible stands in complete accord with geological evidence, long regarded by American academics as incompatible. All of this and more on the impossible state religion of evolution in the new 320 page fully illustrated book 20 years in making. Softcover, illustrated, 320 pgs.


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